

Date: 2020.2.4        Author: Webadmin

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Web Links

Lead generation web links are used to promote the Webdo platform to your website visitors.

It is up to you where you will place the links into your page, be sure that the web page comply with our rules.

The created web link is used to store required information for registration process into your visitors web browser local storage. When they register a new account the information is used to link their new account to your affiliate program.

How we use this:

- the web-link has attached an hash string that contain required information.
- when your visitor lands on our page, the attached information is stored on its browser local storage
- a link to your affiliate program is created when a new account is created using the stored information

- the stored information do not expire, however if a new account is not created within 3 months the information can be overwritten by another web-link that lands on our web-page.

If the generated web-link is too long, please check this web-app at https://redirects.webdo.com/  it can create a short redirect link starting with yours.

When a new user is created we can call that a lead, we have required information to send more information related to our platform in order to have a sale.
You can see the information that is a new lead into your lists. If the new lead is created from a web-link you will not see any personal information of that account, these is the "terms of service" agreement that will not allow us to share personal information to any party unless is required by law.

Any sale from the new account will generate an income for you for the first four years of the services, the time period will be calculated starting with the first invoice date. ( more information here )

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| 1.1.1. Webdo Affiliate Program| 1.1.2. Webdo platform & products| 2.1.1. Register| 2.1.2. Benefits| 2.1.3. Sales generation model| 2.2.1. Public ID| 2.2.2. Web Links| 2.2.3. Financial information| 3.1.1. Terms and conditions|