

Date: 2020.2.2        Author: Webadmin

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Registrations process requires some information to be filled into a form. The registration form is verified by our team within 24 hours.
The provided information will help both of us to understand the business requirements.

1. Open the "Settings" page in the Affiliate Program web-app and press "Registration form" button.

  •  Organization (Legal organization type)
    • Company
    • Self Emplyed

       Relates to invoicing and funds retrieval. As expected it is easy to work with a company that provide invoices, however there are solutions for freelancers as well.

  • Sales generation: (How do you like to work with us ?)
    • Sales Agent
    • Direct sale ( for integrator or developers )
    • Website links
    • Writer & Copywriter ( Provide links on my web technology related articles )
    • Ads ( Use ads to different channels  - mobile apps, websites etc )

        These information relates to the leads/sales generation model you will use, according we can provide better support focused on your business.

  • Information
    • Company name (company only)
    • City
    • Country
    • Address (company only)
    • Phone
    • Fiscal ID / VAT ID (company only)

        Required information to enter into the business agreement.

  • TXT
    • Skills ( about developer/integrator skills )
    • Website ( one website that will host lead links )
    • Article ( one web technology or business related article written by you )
    • Channel's ( lead generation ads channel )

        We will provide marketing materials and support accordingly.

  •     A free text message

          It is not mandatory, write something related to our further cooperation.

2. Press register

3. The registration form is reviewed and approved in next hours, you may receive additional questions on provided email address, please check your email spam folders to be sure you can read our messages.

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| 1.1.1. Webdo Affiliate Program| 1.1.2. Webdo platform & products| 2.1.1. Register| 2.1.2. Benefits| 2.1.3. Sales generation model| 2.2.1. Public ID| 2.2.2. Web Links| 2.2.3. Financial information| 3.1.1. Terms and conditions|