

Date: 2020.2.2        Author: undefined

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Webdo platform & products

The Webdo web hosting platform  uses CLOUD solutions to store and deliver web-pages.
That makes our services more reliable and offer the same speed all the time.

By using CLOUD technology like object storage and clusters of web-servers we offer a modern architecture most suitable for the latest used technologies for websites and web applications. The solution scales up and down to offer the optimum working condition for the moment.

The web-hosting platform offers:
- webpages hosting
- blog/documentation pages attached to websites
- web-builder
- text editors
- file explorer
- email accounts
- ControlPanel / Dashboard web app

- newsletter
- survey
- eDetailing
- online shop (under development)

Web services (API):
- file API
- access authorization API
- Ip to Country, QR codes generator
- SendMail

NoSQL: ( solutions for medium/small web applications )
- microdata ( up to 5Mb )
- Key Document (up to 1Gb per table )

- anti DDOS attack protection
- all files are stored encrypted ( encryption/ decryption on the write/read data stream to the storage)
- passwords are never stored

- brut-force password attack can not be performed
- there are NO known data access vulnerabilities

- Load Balancing
- web servers/services cluster is scaled depending on system loading to never exceed more than 50% of capacity.
- each and every website or service is served by the first available server routed thru the Load Balancer
- there are NO sessions or cookies related to the system working, RESTful service are in place, the server requests are isolated and do not depend on a specific hardware.

The web builder we offer is the most cost effective solution to keep a modern website alive. Actually it can be used by anyone who have the willing to create a website and can read and write. We offer SEO support and compatibility.
It uses a WYSIWYG interface that can be used without coding and drag and drop page sections that have responsive design.
Created websites are mobile ready using Bootstrap CSS and HTML5. It offer support for coding, being friendly to web programmers as well. We offer small web-apps that can be integrated into the web pages ( chat-box, contact-form )

Sample websites created with the web builder: https://www.webdo.com , https://www.qbis.ro , as you can see we are using the same technology for our own online presence.

The blog application is friendly and tightly integrated into platform, each website hosted on webdo can have a blog or documentation page just using "blog" or "wordbricks" as first path like in https://affiliate.webdo.com/wordbricks/ in this page.
The configuration is simple and the interface uses a Word like article editor. The result is mobile ready optimized to deliver blog like pages orientated to content with less design. Created pages can be indexed by any robot (Google, Bing, Yahoo ... )

Web Applications - marketing applications ( newsletter, survey, e-detailing) shares the contacts lists.

Domains - webdo offers a list of free domains that can be used with additional custom subdomain ( webcentral.eu,  webshello.com, imi.place, httpsa.com, wordbricks.com ) , domains from another provider can be used with DNS records that point to our gates and we resell domains from https://www.resello.com/ ( available starting with 15 March 2020 ).
All free subdomains have SSL protection, for custom domains a SSL certificate is required for HTTPS.

Email - email accounts, we offer email accounts to free domains and custom domains as well, a web email client and POP3/SMTP can be used. In addition a email account can be set to keep IN/OUT emails into the storage even when POP3/SMTP client is used.

Web applications that can be built and run on our platform requires Javascript frameworks like Angular/JS, Vue, React or any alike. Webdo offer text editors for web programming and file explorer for the user account files. Webdo offers access to it's own NoSQL key document storage database and support to access PostgreSQL or MySQL databases without hosting  for them ( Amazon AWS can be used to host the database and the additional access API required).

As it benefits from more reliability and constant speed that translates to a much lower cost for the same conditions, the platform can not support application's that depends on specific infrastructure (PHP, Apache like Wordpress, Joomla, software that requires hardware).

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| 1.1.1. Webdo Affiliate Program| 1.1.2. Webdo platform & products| 2.1.1. Register| 2.1.2. Benefits| 2.1.3. Sales generation model| 2.2.1. Public ID| 2.2.2. Web Links| 2.2.3. Financial information| 3.1.1. Terms and conditions|